Thursday, September 2, 2010

APHRODISIACS!! Herbel foods that will spice up your love life...Enjoy!

Green Energy:
How Herbal Supplements Can Help You
By Eric Horvath

    We’ve all been there…falling asleep in class (lectures), in bed (at the wrong time, of course), and behind the wheel (never a right time for that).  There will always be the traditional remedies to not having enough energy.  The doctor says get enough sleep; Mom says eat your vegetables; Hulk Hogan says eat vitamins and say your prayers.  In recent years, though, more people seem to be listening to Starbucks than Mom and run on Dunkin rather than vitamins and zzzzz’s.
    College students more than anyone feel the heat of stretching their 24 hours far beyond its limits.  Our busy schedules include classes, part time jobs, internships, extra curricular activities and, you know, a social life.  With that, we need easy energy boosters.  College Living has compiled, for our esteemed readers, a few herbal energy supplements designed to not only get you through the day, but perform like a superstar.  Well, the superstar part is according to some of their advertisements.  Hey, they were wearing one of those “Trust Me, I’m a Doctor” t-shirts.  That qualifies, right?

     In Bed:


    This ‘natural Viagra’ is aimed at, well, we all should know this by now.  It differs from its more pharmaceutical cousin, in that it targets male enhancement with ingredients like Siberian Ginseng, Saw Palmetto and Jujube dates.  That’s right, hard-ons from Jujube dates.  You heard it here first, just don’t tell anyone I told you.  We recommend this, not only for the Jujube dates, but for the name.  How can something called GoldenRod NOT help you in bed?  With a name straight out of an X-rated James Bond flick, this is a definite must try if you need a helping, uh, hand?

    Rise and Shine:

    Coffee, tea and more recently, Red Bull have been the stalwarts for those of us who want to wake up fast in the morning.  While many teas are healthy, tasty energy solutions, coffee and Red Bull can lead to caffeine dependence and lead to nasty sugar crashes later in the day.  The best, most natural way we found to get going in the morning resides in the Jamba Juice company.  Jamba Juice offers a huge selection of smoothies, some with energy in mind, like Machta Green Tea Blast, Acai Supercharger, and Turbo Tropic, which includes more natural energy supplements like 880mg of potassium, 200% of the daily recommendation of vitamin C, as well as vitamins A, B1, B6 and B12. 

    Mid-Day Perk Up

    Feeling the 2:00 p.m. sluggish gremlin tugging at your shirt?  Can’t quite make it up the steps for your afternoon class after lunch?  Prass Ayurvedic is the maker of Herbal Energy Bars, as well as energy butter.  Yep, energy butter!  Just slather some on bread along with jelly, and you’ve got yourself a tasty, freakishly energetic twist on an old classic.  More conventional mid day pick me ups are also available, like the Clif Bar company, which has been producing energy bars and supplements since before it was cool.  Clif makes many varieties, from general energy bars to more specific kinds, like whole nutrition for women and kids.

    Where’s Dinner?!

    It was hard to find energy spaghetti or naturally turbo charged chicken cutlets.  We did find a tasty beverage enhancer, designed to not only boost your energy but provide an uber vitamin boost.  Emergen-C, makers of an original natural powder full of vitamins, also sell supplements like Electro-Mix, designed to turn your regular water into a natural sports drink, sans all the fake colorings and Tiger Woods commercials.  Their other mixes are geared toward replenishing a depleted vitamin supply (see: hangovers), but still provides a hefty energy boost.  And to boot, who isn’t aware of that unquenchable thirst you suffer the day after a hard night of boozing.  Emergen-C certainly helps out there. 

The Rest

    Now that you’ve got herbal energy options for almost any time of the day, its safe to say you can get through that day without a nap.  If you still can’t, then you might have a problem.  Seriously, take a nap!  While this was a somewhat comprehensive list of natural energy supplements for any time of the day, we don’t really recommend you follow it like a Monopoly board and go to each step all the way through the list.  That would lead to a seriously unnatural energy overload in your body.  As always, be careful and keep your eye on what you eat! 

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