Tuesday, September 7, 2010

BRAIN FOOD : Good Stuff To Eat For Your Testa

Brain Food
Shelly Ray

Pigs are intelligent animals, but that doesn’t make scrapple brain food. So when you need to rev-up your brain and kick butt in an exam or job interview, try some of these smart breakfast options to pig-out on:

- Peanut butter on wheat toast. Brains love protein and this is the happiest combination of proteins since beans and rice. Together, nuts and wheat complete an essential amino acid strand that makes the proteins easy for your body to absorb and use. Peanut butter also contains health-protective mono- and poly-unsaturated oils. Pair this with a glass of milk or a latte (lean, dairy protein) and prepare to conquer everything.
On the go: whole wheat bagel with peanut butter instead of cream cheese or butter.

- Egg whites, or Omega3 fortified eggs (eat the yolks in these ‘smart’ eggs). Egg whites are one of the most complete protein sources around – with zero fat to boot, and recent studies have found that the B-vitamin, Choline, found in yolks benefits mental function. Even better are fortified eggs, which provide essential Omega-3 amino acids for when you don’t have time to, say, grill a salmon fillet for breakfast.
On the go: egg and cheese sandwich (on wheat if that’s an option).

- Fruit. At home, a packet of a superfruit[SF1] (see sidebar) soy protein smoothie such as Fruitein Exotic Red Fruit Shake (Naturesplus.com) is easy to mix – no blender needed – surprisingly delicious, and supercharged with a bazillion antioxidants (according to our estimates). You can get an even greater protein kick by adding skim milk instead of water. If you do use a blender, add some fresh fruit; berries and citruses provide glucose – which is drained in mental activity – and extra hydration which combats cognitive impairment.
On the go: order a smoothie with fruit and yogurt or nonfat milk, instead of just juice. If add-ins are an option, go for a B-vitamin and/or protein supplements.

PLUS !! Brain boosting tips.

To maintain energy levels and mental alertness all day:

1. Hydrate with plenty of water.

2. Load up on Omega-3 fats (fatty fish, Omega-3 fortified eggs, ground flaxseeds, and walnuts).

3. Eat foods rich in folic acid (spinach, oranges, broccoli, and fortified breakfast cereals)

4. Get plenty of exercise.[1]

II. What are Superfruits?

Fruits such as Açaí, Blueberry, Cranberry, Grape, Guarana, Mango, Mangosteen, Pomegranate are considered ‘superfruits’ because of their high nutrient density and superior antioxidant qualities. To be fair, the term ‘Superfruits’ is a marketing term, rather than a scientific category, but that shouldn’t be held against these nutritious wonders. Medical research evidences high nutrient and antioxidant contents which the potential health properties of superfruits. [SF2]
For more information, see “Wellness Foods Trends 2007,” FoodProcessing.com, November 2007.

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