Monday, September 6, 2010


I love, love, love when you:

1. Do really over the top, ridiculous things for love. Such as that time you ripped flowers out of the planter on someone's doorstep, and handed them to me dirt, roots and all. 

2. Listen to me. 

3. Give me good advice about whatever work-, money- or girlfriend-related issue is stressing me out. It shows me you're listening, you sympathize and you want to help me get happy.

4. Ask for my opinion.

5. Ask me to dance! When you hold me close and sway, I melt.

6. Wake me up with sex. Good Morning! 

7. Get a little jealous of other guys in my life. The key here being "little." I'll pass on the bar brawls, thanks.

8. Tell me your friends think I'm beautiful.

9. Get curious about my past. Some things I'll never tell, but it never hurts to ask.

10. Don't notice my bad hair days or accidentally mismatched outfits.

11. Do notice the good hair days, and tell me when I look great. I need to hear that stuff more often than you may think. 

12. Kiss the back of my neck really slowly and softly.

13. Bring surprises. Even small things. My girlfriend still talks about the guy who brought her back a York peppermint patty every time he went out to the store.

14. Dress up. I love your favorite flannel shirt as much as you do (well, maybe not quite as much ...), but do you have any idea how hot you look in a suit?! 

15. Want to lock out the rest of the world and spend the day together indoors.

16. Put up with my fussing over menus and food labels. It's just my way of keeping my butt the way you like it.

17. Just call to say you love me. Bonus points when you sing the song, too. 

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